Bibliology is the study of the Bible as a unit and individual parts. Typically Inspiration, authority, the can, etc. are included here.
Bibliology- Ridling Bible Atlas
Ridling Bible Atlas is a good color Bible Atlas with color maps and very little text. This may be an older atlas that others available.
- Nelson Irrefutable Proof Christianity is True
This work is an apologetic work answering many of the questions people have about God.
- Keathley Bibliology
This bibliology is written Keathley, a Dallas Theological Seminary Graduate and a pastor for many years. 10 chapters in this work.
- Idx: Preservation and Trustworthiness
This index on the preservation of Scripture deals with our belief in God's hand of protection on His own Word so that it is not contaminated, changed, or altered.
- Griffith-Thomas Bible Inspiration and Interpretation
Griffith-Thomas Bible Inspiration and Interpretation is an explanation of the Bible's character of being inspired, and how to interpret it, 10 pages.
- Beet – A key to Unlock the Bible
This work is an old work, PDF from 1903. Beet writes about a key to unlock the Bible, which is basically concepts about the authority and inspiration of Scripture.
- Smyth Bankrupt Views of the Bible
This is a 99+ page work on issues of the Bible, mainly incorrect or bankrupt views of the Bible.
- Idx: Hermeneutics (Bible Interpretation)
Idx: Hermeneutics (Bible Interpretation) The Hermeneutics Index deals with works that explain how to correctly interpret the Bible, as well as analyzing and condemning incorrect methods.
- Haskell – Bible Handbook
This Bible Handbook is divided by sections, like the first one, Bible, and then subsections, and each has Bible verses written out for that topic.
- Hagler – Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth is Tom Hagler's point of view about how to interpret the Bible correctly, which is most probably primitive Baptist, and/or Reformed.
Analogy of the Faith
Analogy of the Faith
Apparent Contradictions
Bible Canon
Bible inspiration
Bible Study Methods
Divine Origen
Divine Revelation
Interpretation- Griffith-Thomas Bible Inspiration and Interpretation
Griffith-Thomas Bible Inspiration and Interpretation is an explanation of the Bible's character of being inspired, and how to interpret it, 10 pages.
- Beet – A key to Unlock the Bible
This work is an old work, PDF from 1903. Beet writes about a key to unlock the Bible, which is basically concepts about the authority and inspiration of Scripture.
- Idx: Hermeneutics (Bible Interpretation)
Idx: Hermeneutics (Bible Interpretation) The Hermeneutics Index deals with works that explain how to correctly interpret the Bible, as well as analyzing and condemning incorrect methods.
- Hagler – Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth is Tom Hagler's point of view about how to interpret the Bible correctly, which is most probably primitive Baptist, and/or Reformed.
- Epp Rightly Dividing the Word
Epp's work is a grand global viewpoint of Scripture, in which he gives us a biblical point of view (according to Epp) on how one should interpret Scripture. This embodies a dispensation viewpoint.
- Welcome to the David Cox’ PDF Library!
This is a welcome post, explaining some of my ideas and philosophy that pertains to this library website.
- C.D. Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1 Attributes of God
Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1 Attributes of God is a 23 chapter doctrines book on the attributes of God.
- Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1-01 Being of God
Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1 Being of God explains God's being and man's relationship to that being.
- Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1-03 Names of God
Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1-03 Names of God explores the different Old Testament and New Testament Names of God.
- Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1-02 The Nature of God
Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1 The Nature of God or God's Mode of Being or God's Mode of Being. God is a Personal Being and a Spirit Being.
- Calvary Contender Newsletter
Calvary Contender issues from 1994 through 2005. A fundamental newsletter revealing compromise of many people and issues in Christianity.
- Cox Calv02 Did Christ die for the Whole World
Cox Calv02 Did Christ die for the Whole World Explains the Bible's true teaching that Christ died for the entire world, but God requires each person to receive Jesus.
- Cox Calvinism Is it Biblical?
Cox Calvinism Is it Biblical? A tract explaining why Calvinism cannot possibly be biblical.
- Ironside – Eternal Security
In this (38 Section) work, Ironside presents us with a Biblical study on Eternal Security. Among dealing with various different issues related to the Believer's security in his salvation, he also presents 24 questions and then answers them, which are basically 23 of them are specific passages relating to Eternal Security.
- Abbott The Christian Ministry
In Abbott The Christian Ministry Abbott examines the fundamental faiths of the ministry, the function of the ministry, the authority of the ministry, the individual message of the ministry, the social message of the ministry, the minister as priest, qualifications of the minister, some ministers of olden time, the ministry of Jesus Christ (His Methods), and (the Substance of His teaching).
- McClure Loyalty the Soul of Religion
McClure Loyalty the Soul of Religion speaks to what we are to be loyal to, Truth, convictions, manhood, responsibility, long-suffering, spirituality, etc
Purity of Original Text
Textual Criticism