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A Free Library for Bible Study. Webmaster Pastor David Cox. These Christian Reference books are for free download, pdf, and rar.

Christology p2

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Christ's Titles
  • Dyer, W. – Christ’s Famous Titles
    In this work by Dyer, he examines some of the titles of Jesus Christ: "He is altogether lovely", Desire of all Nations, King of Kings, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the Precious Elect, Wonderful, and Believer's Golden Chain.
Cross-Blood Deity of Christ Life of Christ
  • Stalker, J. – The Life Of Christ
    In this work, Stalker looks at the life of Jesus Christ, from his birth, infancy, and youth, the circumstances of the nation at his birth, and the divisions of his public ministry.
  • Anonymous – 250 Events in the Life of Christ
    This is a table of 250 events in the life of Christ by an unknown author. It is divided into three sections: 1. The birth and preparation of Jesus Christ. 2. The message and ministry of Jesus Christ. 3. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Messiah Miracles of Christ
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Person of Christ
  • Warfield – Person of Christ according to NT
    In this work, Warfield (Presbyterian) presents us with 8 chapters on the person of Christ from the standpoint of Paul, the author of Hebrews, the other epistles, John, the Synoptic gospels, what Jesus himself presented, and two final chapters: the two natures everywhere presupposed, and formulation of the Doctrine.
Teachings of Christ
  • McAfee – Where is he?

    McAfee – Where is he?

  • Fawcett Christ Precious to Those Who Believe
    This is a 5 chapter work by Fawcett (a Baptist pastor) in which he examines 1 Peter 2:7, stating that Christ is precious to every believer. Note that there are anomalies in the numbering of the sections, and I do not know if this work is complete or not.
Work of Christ
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