Bibliology is the study of the Bible as a unit and individual parts. Typically Inspiration, authority, the can, etc. are included here.
Analogy of the Faith
Analogy of the Faith
Apparent Contradictions
Bible Canon
Bible inspiration
Bible Study Methods
Divine Origen
Divine Revelation
- Welcome to the David Cox’ PDF Library!
This is a welcome post, explaining some of my ideas and philosophy that pertains to this library website.
- Idx: Nehemiah
Idx: Nehemiah This index has commentaries on Ezra-Nehemiah, but principally Nehemiah.
- Carradine – 20 Objections Church Entertainment
Carradine - 20 Objections Church Entertainment is twenty objections to church entertainment or churches which focus their services on entertaining instead of biblical purposes. Carradine is Nazarene.
- Nelson – Does Character Matter anymore in the Ministry?
This work is an examination of modern ethics in the ministry set against what the Bible proposes. It attacks what is wrong in many modern ministries.
- Burroughs The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
This work The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment examines that contentment that a Christian should have. Described, Mystery of, Christ teaches, excellence of, evils of a murmuring spirit, aggravations of murmuring, excuses of a discontented heart, how to attain.
- Nelson Irrefutable Proof Christianity is True
This work is an apologetic work answering many of the questions people have about God.
- Ironside – In the Heavenlies (Eph Commentary)
In this 6 chapter commentary on the book of Ephesians, Ironside (Brethren) presents us with his thoughts and comments.
- NPNF1-02. St. Augustin’s City of God and Christian Doctrine
St. Augustin's City of God (888 page) pdf is Augustine's work on the City of God which explains his views of God's people versus the pagan world, mixing his views of predestination and election into this.
- The Later Creeds
This PDF is a brief work on the later creeds, basically brief statements on the Third Council of Constantinople, the statement of faith, the Image Controversy, the synod of Constantinople, and the council of Nicaea.
- Schaff – Ambrose: Selected Works and Letters
This 700 page work by Ambrose is composed of many of his works. See table of contents (which extends for 47 pages.
- idx: Christ Incarnation
This is an index-study page for works on Christ's incarnation, birth, and related events and teachings.
Purity of Original Text
Textual Criticism