Christology p1
General Works
Christology- McAfee – Where is he?
McAfee – Where is he?
- Greenleaf – Christ’s Resurrection Stands Legal
Simon Greenleaf*, one of the principal founders of the Harvard Law School, originally set out to disprove the biblical testimony concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He was certain that a careful examination of the internal witness of the Gospels would dispel all the myths at the heart of Christianity. But this legal scholar came to the conclusion that the witnesses were reliable, and that the resurrection did in fact happen.
- Sermon Morgan Purity by the Cross
In this sermon, Morgan explores Hebrews 9:14, the blood of Christ cleanses us from dead works.
- Jesus’ Deity seen in various ways
In Jesus' Deity seen in various ways I discuss various miscellaneous ways in which the deity of Jesus is seen.
- Bellarmine – The Seven Words on the Cross Bk2
This is a very large and extensive work on Christ's saying on the cross by Bellarmine (Catholic). Even though it is Catholic, it is a very notable work on Christ's sayings, well worth examining when studying this topic. Bellarmine's work is divided into two books, the first deals with the first first three sayings, and the second book with the last three sayings.
- Fawcett Christ Precious to Those Who Believe
This is a 5 chapter work by Fawcett (a Baptist pastor) in which he examines 1 Peter 2:7, stating that Christ is precious to every believer. Note that there are anomalies in the numbering of the sections, and I do not know if this work is complete or not.
- Testimonies to Jesus as God
In this study page, I give scriptural testimonies of Jesus as God
- Cameron From the Garden to the Cross
This 16 chapter work From the Garden to the Cross has a lot of scanning errors, but it is a very good work on the passion of Christ.
- Jesus’ sonship as a testimony to his Deity
In this study page, I examine Jesus' sonship in relation to his deity.
- idx: Life of Christ
idx: Life of Christ Index on the Works of Life of Christ
Baptism of ChristNo posts for this category
Birth-IncarnationNo posts for this category
Christ as Good ShepherdNo posts for this category
Christ as KingNo posts for this category
Christ as PriestNo posts for this category
Christ as ProphetNo posts for this category
Christ as TeacherNo posts for this category
Christ in OTNo posts for this category
continue to page two of Christology