Christology p1
General Works
Christology- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Power by the Cross
In this sermon, Morgan examines 1Co 1:18, that the Word of the Cross is to us the power of God.
- Sermon: Mackintosh, C.H. – The Three Crosses.
In this sermon on the three crosses of Calvary, Mackintosh (Brethren): Him who was nailed thereon, the cross as the expression of God's heart toward man, and the cross as displaying the heart of Christ towards God.
- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Promise At The Cross
In this sermon by Morgan, he examines Rom 8:12, God spared not his own son.
- Sermon: Alexander, A. – The Cross
A brief reflection on the Cross, and the truths surrounding it.
- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Peace By The Cross
Morgan explains Col 1:20, that we have made peace through the blood of His cross.
- idx: Divine Attributes of Jesus Christ
In idx: Divine Attributes of Jesus Christ, I list the divine attributes in relation to Jesus Christ.
- Barton His Last Week
Barton His Last Week is a shorter (10 chapter) work which is non-technical, and basically a narrative of the events of each day.
- Warfield – Person of Christ according to NT
In this work, Warfield (Presbyterian) presents us with 8 chapters on the person of Christ from the standpoint of Paul, the author of Hebrews, the other epistles, John, the Synoptic gospels, what Jesus himself presented, and two final chapters: the two natures everywhere presupposed, and formulation of the Doctrine.
- Hays A Critical Review Of The Empty Tomb
Hays A Critical Review Of The Empty Tomb is a review and refutation of the book "The Empty Tomb", which tries to deny the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Hays looks at its arguments and shows where they are not valid.
- Sermon: James The Attraction of the Cross
Sermon: James The Attraction of the Cross is a full length sermon on Christ being lifted up as a factor for drawing all men unto him.
Baptism of ChristNo posts for this category
Birth-IncarnationNo posts for this category
Christ as Good ShepherdNo posts for this category
Christ as KingNo posts for this category
Christ as PriestNo posts for this category
Christ as ProphetNo posts for this category
Christ as TeacherNo posts for this category
Christ in OTNo posts for this category
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