Men of the Bible: Some Lesser Known Characters
by George Milligan, D.D.; J. G. Greenhough, M.A.; Alfred Rowland, D.D., LL.B.; Principal Walter F. Adeney, D.D.; J. Morgan Gibbon; H. Elvet Lewis; Principal D. Rowlands, B.A.; W. J. Townsend, D.D. 1904
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pc85 Carl Jung and Psychology explains the origin of Psychology with spiritist Jung, which had contact with a spiritual guide.
We explain that Carl Jung was a spiritist, as were his parents (father was a pastor of a spiritist church). The spirit guide Philemon appeared to Jung at age 3, and over time, Philemon gave Jung all of his concepts which he later made into "psychology". Jung is known as the founder or creator of psychology. Psychology is not a science because its data is not testable, but rather opinions. There are no clean experiments that give unequivocal yes or no results. The results they claim in one set of experiments do not unilaterally give the same results when independent groups do the same experiments. Psychology is a doctrine of Demons, 1 Timothy 4:1, and Christians have to reject it, and denounce it.
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Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants, explains that this idea of Mayor Johnson (Mayor of Chicago) is pushing the ruin of our country.
Topics: What Open Borders has caused | Why does a person have the right to vote? | Mayor Johnson wants to pad the Ballot Box with Democrat Votes
Read the Article: Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants.
The Solution is Preaching Preaching is central in how God communicates to us. Preaching solves our spiritual problems and brings blessings. But preaching has to be actually reading and explaining the Word of God, exhorting and motivating others to obey God.
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Excerpt: Preaching fixes in us an understanding that causes faith. Faith changes our lives and brings us into conformity with the will of God. The Word of God fixes our problems and sets our lives straight in the sight of God.
Read the Article: The Solution is Preaching.
Compare TheWord vs E-Sword (Updated 4/23/2021) In Compare TheWord vs E-Sword (Updated 4/23/2021) I compare the two Bible programs, theWord against e-Sword.
Read the Comparison: Compare TheWord vs E-Sword 4/23/21.
A carpenter making his own tools is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own material. I like the idea of producing the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: A carpenter making his own tools.
Helpful Windows User Tip for "Searching Everything" on your PC. The Everything Search utility program is a freeware file search utility that is superfast and very useful for finding all occurrences of a file. It takes about 3-6 seconds to start, but after that, every search is just about instantaneous. Very fast, very useful. I highly recommend you download this free PC utility program if you ever have problems finding a file on your PC Computer. Helpful Tip "Everything Search".
Note: You can grab and drop files from this tool to other windows.
This website is made and maintained by Pastor-Missionary David Cox. If you like what you see here, please consider a small donaton every year. When you donate, it all goes to paying for hosting and domain fees.
Posted by David Cox on February 15, 2023
Posted in Bible Characters | Tagged With: Adonijah, Ahaziah, Amaziah, Ananias and Sapphira, Asaby, Barabbas, Barzillai, Demas, Eldad and Medad, Enoch, gadsr, Hazael, Hiram, Jabez, Jeroboam, Joseph of Arimathea, Manasseh, Philip the Evangelist, Pontius Pilate, Simeon | 1 Comment
by George Milligan, D.D.; J. G. Greenhough, M.A.; Alfred Rowland, D.D., LL.B.; Principal Walter F. Adeney, D.D.; J. Morgan Gibbon; H. Elvet Lewis; Principal D. Rowlands, B.A.; W. J. Townsend, D.D. 1904