- Welcome to the David Cox’ PDF Library!
This is a welcome post, explaining some of my ideas and philosophy that pertains to this library website.
- Strong – Systematic Theology v1
Volume 1 of Strong's Systematic Theology work covers the doctrine of God and the Trinity, and a little bit of why God would reveal information to us. He also has introductory material to theology in this work.
- NPNF1-05. St. Augustine: Anti-Pelagian Writings
This (907 page) pdf is a compilation of the writings of Saint Augustine, his Anti-Pelagian Writings.
- NPNF2-05. Gregory of Nyssa: Dogmatic Treatises, Etc.
This pdf is a large work (793 pgs) of the life and works of Gregory of Nyssa, a post NT times church father.
- Anderson – Human Destiny
In Anderson's Human Destiny, he examines what happens after death.
- Brooks – Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices
This work, Precious Remedies against Satan's Devices is a study on how Satan deceives and causes us to sin, and how we can identify those devices and defeat them.
- Sibbes, R. – Believe Christ, Not Satan
This is a short one chapter work by Sibbes (Puritan).
- Ridling Bible Atlas
Ridling Bible Atlas is a good color Bible Atlas with color maps and very little text. This may be an older atlas that others available.
- Jukes Names of God in Holy Scripture
In this 12 chapter work by Jukes (Universalist), he examines some of the names of God, "God" or Elohim, Lord or Jehovah, God Almighty or El Shaddai, Most High God or El Elyon, Lord or Adonai, Everlasting God or El Olam, Lord of Hosts or Jehovah Sabaoth, then the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and partakers of the Divine Nature, and an Appendix.
- Idx: Nehemiah
Idx: Nehemiah This index has commentaries on Ezra-Nehemiah, but principally Nehemiah.
- Carradine – 20 Objections Church Entertainment
Carradine - 20 Objections Church Entertainment is twenty objections to church entertainment or churches which focus their services on entertaining instead of biblical purposes. Carradine is Nazarene.