- Welcome to the David Cox’ PDF Library!
This is a welcome post, explaining some of my ideas and philosophy that pertains to this library website.
- Wright, B.J. – Jesus as Θεός (God): A Textual Examination
Wright, B.J. - Jesus as Θεός (God): A Textual Examination is a brief 1 chaper work on Jesus as God.
- Younce, M. – A Biblical Examination of Baptism
In this 12 chapter work on Water Baptism by Pastor Max Younce, he examines many issues in baptism. First he deals with infant baptism, the baptism for salvation, who is to administer the ordinances of Baptism, the mode of baptism, was baptism prior to salvation, various baptisms in Scripture, baptism in its order, and several other chapters.
- Younce, M. – A Biblical Examination of Hell
This is the best and most extensive, biblical examination of the subject hell that I have seen. This is an excellent book! 13 chapters in which Pastor Younce probably presents us with some couple of thousand verses over hell and related subjects.
- Bounds – Devotion: The Heart of Prayer
A study by E.M Bounds on Prayer, what is it, what is the heart of Prayer.
- Bounds – A Praying Ministry Successful
This is an online book about prayer and the ministry by E.M. Bounds. His desire is to make prayer in the ministry successful. Excellent Book!
- C.D. Cole Biography
C.D. Cole Biography is a brief biography by Ben Stratton.
- C.D. Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1 Attributes of God
Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1 Attributes of God is a 23 chapter doctrines book on the attributes of God.
- Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1-01 Being of God
Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1 Being of God explains God's being and man's relationship to that being.
- Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1-03 Names of God
Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1-03 Names of God explores the different Old Testament and New Testament Names of God.
- Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1-02 The Nature of God
Cole Definitions of Doctrine 1 The Nature of God or God's Mode of Being or God's Mode of Being. God is a Personal Being and a Spirit Being.