- Welcome to the David Cox’ PDF Library!
This is a welcome post, explaining some of my ideas and philosophy that pertains to this library website.
- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Pardon By The Cross
In this sermon by G.Campbell Morgan, he examines the propitiation of the Cross.
- Bellett, J.G. – Answers to Objections to the Rapture
Bellett's Answers to Objections to the Rapture is a single volume work of about 22 pages (1800 words) in which he examines verses which people who object to the Rapture use in their arguments.
- Haldeman – The Kingdom of God
Kingdom of God is a response or answer to Mauro's comments on MR. PHILIP MAUROS
GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM, in which Haldeman refutes some of Mauro's presumptions.
- Strong – Systematic Theology v1
Volume 1 of Strong's Systematic Theology work covers the doctrine of God and the Trinity, and a little bit of why God would reveal information to us. He also has introductory material to theology in this work.
- NPNF1-05. St. Augustine: Anti-Pelagian Writings
This (907 page) pdf is a compilation of the writings of Saint Augustine, his Anti-Pelagian Writings.
- NPNF2-05. Gregory of Nyssa: Dogmatic Treatises, Etc.
This pdf is a large work (793 pgs) of the life and works of Gregory of Nyssa, a post NT times church father.
- Anderson – Human Destiny
In Anderson's Human Destiny, he examines what happens after death.
- Brooks – Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices
This work, Precious Remedies against Satan's Devices is a study on how Satan deceives and causes us to sin, and how we can identify those devices and defeat them.
- Sibbes, R. – Believe Christ, Not Satan
This is a short one chapter work by Sibbes (Puritan).
- Ridling Bible Atlas
Ridling Bible Atlas is a good color Bible Atlas with color maps and very little text. This may be an older atlas that others available.