- Hodge Way of Life
Hodge Way of Life is a work by a Presbyterian on holy living, sin, justification, and other important topics related to the same.
- Brooks Touchstone of Sincerity
Brooks Touchstone of Sincerity is a book that looks at the Christian life contrasted with that of an hypocrite.
- Simpson Larger Christian Life
Simpson Larger Christian Life is a 11 chapter work which discusses key elements in living the Christian life, joy, faith, filled with the Spirit, death of self, etc.
- Baxter Signs of Living to Please God
Baxter Signs of Living to Please God is a very short post about seven signs that a person is living his life oriented towards pleasing God.
- Agnew – A Manual on the Christian Sabbath (1842)
This pdf work examines the New Testament Christian's obligations towards the concept of the Sabbath by Pastor Agnew (Presbyterian).
- Meyer – Meet for the Master’s Use
Pastor Meyer (Baptist) presents a set of sermons/devotional studies that would prepare and motivate Christians to be used of God by being holy.
- Bounds – Revivals that Stay
This is a short one chapter work on revivals by E.M. Bounds.
- Gurnall Christian in Complete Armour V2
Gurnall Christian in Complete Armour V2 A Treatise Of the Saints' War against the Devil:
Wherein a Discovery is made of that grand Enemy of God and his People, in his Policies,
Power, Seat of his Empire, Wickedness, and chief design he hath against the Saints.
- Gurnall, W. – Christian in Complete Armour
The Christian in Complete Armour; A Treatise Of the Saints' War against the Devil: Wherein a Discovery is made of that grand Enemy of God and his People, in his Policies, Power, Seat of his Empire, Wickedness, and chief design he hath against the Saints.
- Meyers – Blessed are Ye
Meyers Blessed are ye is his work on the Beattitudes, examining various different ones and discussing them.