By Louis Berkhof.
Table of Content of Boettner The Inspiration Of Scripture
Part One: Doctrine of God
I. Hie Existence of God
A. The Place of the Doctrine of God in Dogmatics
B. The Scriptural Proof for the Existence of God
C. The Denial of God’s Existence
D. The So-Called Rational Proofs
II. The Knowabilitv of God
A. God Incomprehensible but Knowable
B. Denial of God’s Knowabilitv
C. Self-Revelation the Prerequisite of all Knowledge of God
III. Relation of the Being and Attributes of God
A. The Being of God
B. Hie Possibility of Knowing the Being of God
C. His Being of God Revealed in His Attributes
IV. His Names of God
A. The Names of God in General
B. The Old Testament Names
C. The New Testament Names
V. The Attributes of God in General
A. Evaluation of the Terms Used
B. Method of Determining God’s Attributes
C. Suggested Divisions of the Attributes
VI. The Incommunicable Attribute:-
A. God’s Self-Existence
B. God’s Immutability
C. God’s Infinity
D. God’s Unity
VII. The Communicable Attributes
A. God’s Spirituality
B. Intellectual Attributes
C. Hie Moral Attributes.
D. His Attributes of Sovereignty
VIII The Holy Trinity
A. His Doctrine of the Trinity in History
B. God as Trinity in Unity
C. Hie Hiree Persons Considered Separately
I. His Divine Decrees in General
A. His Doctrine of the Decrees in Theology
B. His Scriptural Names for the Divine Decrees
C. His Nature of the Divine Decrees
D. Hie Characteristics of the Decrees
E. Objections to die Doctrine of die Decrees
II. Predestination
A. His Doctrine of Predestination in History
B. Scriptural Terms for Predestination
C. His Author and Objects of Predestination
D. His Parts of Predestination
E. Supra and Infralapsarianism
III. Creation in General
A. His Doctrine of Creation in History
B. Scriptural Proof
C. The Idea of Creation
D. Divergent Theories Respecting Origins
IV. Creation of the Spiritual World
A. The Doctrine Angels in History
B. The Existence of Angels
C. The Nature of Angels
D. The Number and Organization of the Angels
E. The Service of the Angels
F. The Evil Angels
V. Creation of die Material World
A. The Scriptural Account
B. The Hexaemeron
VI. Providence
A. Providence in General
B. Preservation
C. Concurrence
D. Government
E. Extraordinary Providences or Miracles
Part Two: The Doctrine of Man in Relation to God
I. The Origin of Man
A. The Doctrine of Man in Dogmatics
B. Scriptural Account of the Origin of Alan
C. The Evolutionary Theory of the Origin of Alan
D. The Origin of Man and die Unity of die Race
II. The Constitutional Nature of Man:
A. The Constituent Elements of Human Nature
B. The Origin of the Soul in iethIndividual
III. Man as the Image of God:
A. Historical Views of die Image of God in Alan
B. Scriptural Data Respecting die Image of God in Alan
C. Man as die Image of God
D. The Original Condition of Alan as die Image of God
IV. Man in the Covenant of Works:
A. The Doctrine of die Covenant of Works in History
B. The Scriptural Foundation for die Doctrine of die Covenant of Works
C. Elements of die Covenant of Works
D. The Present Status of die Covenant of Works
I. The Origin of Sin:
A. Historical Views Respecting die Origin of Sin
B. Scriptural Data Respecting die Origin of Sin
C. The Nature of die First Sin or die Fall of Alan
D. The First Sin or die Fall as Occasioned by Temptation
E. The Evolutionary Explanation of die Origin of Sin
F. The Results of die First Sin
II. The Essential Character of Sin:
A. Philosophic Theories Respecting die Nature of Evil
B. The Scriptural Idea of Sin
C. The Pelagian View of Sin
D. The Roman Catholic View of Sin
III. The Transmission of Sir.:
A. Historical Review
B. The Universality of Sin
C. The Connection of Adam’s Sin with that of the Race
IV. Sin in the Life of me Human Race:
A. Original Sin
B. Actual Sin
V. The Punishment of Sin:
A. Natural and Positive Penalties
B. Nature and Purpose of Punishments
C The Actual Penally of Sin
I. Name and Concept of die Covenant:
A. The Name
B. The Concept
II. The Covenant of Redemption:
A. Separate Discussion of the Desirable
B. Scriptural Data for die Covenant of Redemption
C. The Son in die Covenant of Redemption
D. Requirements and Promises in die Covenant of Redemption
E. Relation of diis Covenant to die Covenant of Grace
III. Nature of die Covenant of Grace:
A. Comparison of the Covenant of Grace and die Covenant of Works
B. Hie Contracting Parties
C. The Contents of die Covenant of Grace
D. The Characteristics of die Covenant of Grace
E. The Relation of Christ to die Covenant of Grace
IV The Dual Aspect of die Covenant:
A. An External and an Internal Covenant
B. The Essence and Administration of die Covenant
C. A Conditional and an Absolute Covenant
D. The Covenant as a Purely Legal Relationship and as a Communion of Life
E. Membership in the Covenant as a Legal Relationship
V. The Different Dispensations of die Covenant:
A. The Proper Conception of the Different Dispensations
B. The Old Testament Dispensation
C. The New Testament Dispensation
I stop the contents here but they go on. You get the idea.
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