The God of the Bible: A Study of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
by David E. Pratte
Pratte’s work on the Trinity examines the Deity and Nature of the different persons, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and how they relate one to another.
Posted by David Cox on April 12, 2023
Posted in P • Trinity | Tagged With: gad, gads, God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Trinity
by David E. Pratte
Pratte’s work on the Trinity examines the Deity and Nature of the different persons, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and how they relate one to another.
Posted by David Cox on January 23, 2023
Posted in Trinity | Tagged With: gadsr, Trinity, Triune God
By Loraine Boettner
Boettner’s The Trinity is a short work (40pgs) on the Trinity, God is one, God is Triune.
Posted by David Cox on December 17, 2022
Posted in Existence of God • index | Tagged With: gadsr
idx: Existence of God
Definition: Proving the existence of God is really not possible in a way, because no matter if God Himself descends from heaven, to bodily present himself in front of a denier, the human being could just say it is a trick or something. So we “believe” or “trust” (a spiritual activity linked to our current spiritual state and disposition towards God) that God exists.
This is not to say that there are not logical and biblical arguments used to prove the existence of God.
idx: Existence of God
Posted by David Cox on December 1, 2022
Posted in index • Names of God | Tagged With: gadsr
idx: Names of God, The
Definition: The names of God are intense revelations into the character and acts of God. Names in the Bible are always representative of the character, actions, and established personality of a person, both from a past historical viewpoint, and a definitive viewpoint in that the name defines how a person will act. Names are very important in the Bible to reveal and predict character.
The Bible is full of names of God, and most come directly from His character and being, like Omniscient, or Almighty, or from specific events by which those names are used by God to clarify who He is by His actions.
idx: Names of God, The