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Bible Resource Library

A Free Library for Bible Study. Webmaster Pastor David Cox. These Christian Reference books are for free download, pdf, and rar.

North – Unholy Spirits

Posted by David Cox on June 9, 2024
Posted in Demons 

North – Unholy Spirits

Occultism and the New Age Humanism

By Gary North

This is a work about the occult, demons, and New Age Humanism.

Everywhere you turn these days, talk of crystals, channeling, astral projection, mediums, psychic phenomena, pyramid power, and reincarnation abounds. The New Age rage is upon us.
Should this give us cause for alarm? Are New Age enthusiast a serious threat to Western civilization and orthodox Christianity? Or are they little more than “kooks laughingly to be dismissed? Is all the attention they’ve garnered in recent months simply a passing fad? Read more

Bounds, E.M. – Satan: His Personality, Power, and Overthrow

Posted by David Cox on October 28, 2023
Posted in BSatan  | Tagged With: , , , , ,

bounds-satan-his-personality-power-and-overthrowSATAN: His Personality, Power and Overthrow

By Edward M. Bounds


In this 16 chapter work by Bounds (Methodist), he presents us with a detailed and extensive study on Satan. Bounds looks at the Devil’s beginning, his personality, his business, his opposition to the church, his influence and work in the world, the power of the devil, and his methods. He has two more chapters, “exposed positions” and “our defense against the Devil”. Excellent work! Read more

Chafer, L.S. – Satan

Posted by David Cox on October 18, 2023
Posted in CSatan  | Tagged With: , , ,

By Lewis Sperry Chafer

In this 12 chapter work by Chafer, he presents us with a study on Satan. His Career, the ages, the course of this age, this age and the Satanic System, the Satanic Host, Satan’s Motive, Satan’s Methods, the man of sin, the Fatal omission, Modern Devices, the Believer’s Present Position and Victory.

Download this book in popular formats:

e-Sword: Chafer, L.S. – Satan
theWord: Chafer, L.S. – Satan
MySword: Chafer, L.S. – Satan
Kindle:  Chafer, L.S. – Satan

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Brooks Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices

Posted by David Cox on August 18, 2023
Posted in Satan  | Tagged With: | 1 Comment

Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices

By Thomas Brooks (1608 – 1680)

“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us–for we
are not ignorant of his devices.” 2 Corinthians 2:11

Summary: In this 13 chapter work by Brooks (Puritan), he examines God’s remedies against Satan’s devices. He presents us how Satan’s devices draw the soul to sin, and the states of sin Satan desires within us. Some of his chapters are 12 devices and their remedies, 8 devices directed towards disturbing our Christian service, 8 devices for inflicting doubt and confusion on the believer, 5 devices for ensaring men in the world and their remedies, 7 characteristics of false teachers, and 6 more purposes of Satan.
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