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Bible Resource Library

A Free Library for Bible Study. Webmaster Pastor David Cox. These Christian Reference books are for free download, pdf, and rar.

Idx: Bible Encyclopedias

Posted by David Cox on October 5, 2022
Posted in General Helpindex  | Tagged With: ,

Idx: Bible Encyclopedias These are Bible encyclopedias which are usually longer definitions of words.

Bible Encyclopedias

Religious Encyclopedias: MythicaJewishCatholic.
Secular Encyclopedias:
 WikipediaBritannica.comColumbiaEncartaWorldBookEncyclopedia.comPlant EncyclopediaEncyclopedia of the Orient,
Information Encyclopedias: InfopleaseFactmonster

Idx: Bible Encyclopedias

Idx: Bible Study Methods

Posted by David Cox on October 2, 2022
Posted in Bible Study Methodsindex  | Tagged With:

Idx: Bible Study Methods

Study Methods – These are the methods, plans, systems, and practices that students of Scripture use to study the Bible.

Idx: Bible Study Methods

Idx: Greek Lexicons-Dictionaries

Posted by David Cox on September 29, 2022
Posted in Biblical Greek Resourcesindex  | Tagged With:

Idx: Greek Lexicons-Dictionaries In this post, we list links to biblical and classical Greek lexicons and dictionaries.

Idx: Greek Lexicons-Dictionaries

Idx: Canonicity

Posted by David Cox on September 28, 2022
Posted in Bible Canonindex  | Tagged With:

Idx: Canonicity

Highly Recommended Link: Bible Research – The Canon of Scripture. Has information on the disputed books.

Canon (Canonicity) – deals with the reason why certain books are included in the Bible. The importance of this is in defending what books we include in “our Bible”, and defending why certain other books are excluded. The canon of Scripture is as important as Inspiration of Scripture, because without a definite reasonable and sound argument as to why we believe these books and only these books are the whole of Scripture, we fall to the weakness of excluding books which we disagree with their teaching, or including non-inspired works which favor our religious views.

Inherent in this issue is the pressing question of why certain things are excluded. Today the Pentecostal movement has made their preaching and proclamations of new doctrine equal with Scripture, and other groups such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses do the same with their writings, and Seventh Day Adventists do the same with the works of Ellen White, and the list can go on infinitely.

Canon settles the question of what is authoritative and from God, defining the limits of what we accept as “God’s Word.” Idx: Canonicity

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