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Bible Resource Library

A Free Library for Bible Study. Webmaster Pastor David Cox. These Christian Reference books are for free download, pdf, and rar.

Sermon: Alexander, A. – The Cross

Posted by David Cox on June 1, 2024
Posted in ACross-Blood  | 1 Comment

by Archibald Alexander

Whence came the tree from which the cross was made? What has become of the particles of which it was composed? What hands were employed in preparing this instrument of a cruel death? To such questions no answer can be given–and none is needed. The cross was a common mode of punishment among several nations, and among the Romans was reserved for the punishment of slaves and the vilest malefactors. It was never made use of by the Jews. If they had had the power of execution in their hands when Christ suffered, the punishment for the offence alleged against him would have been stoning. But by the ordering of divine Providence, our Lord was put to death in that way which was accursed, according to the Jewish law; for it was written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.” Read more

Anderson, R. – The Silence of God Theodicy

Posted by David Cox on May 31, 2024
Posted in ATheodicy  | Tagged With: , ,

The Silence of God Theodicy

Topic: The Silence of God Theodicy
By Sir Robert Anderson

Theodicy. This work is about when God is silent, the silence of God, which in theology it is theodicy. Why doesn’t God immediately vindicate his children. Or why does God allow his children to suffer?

Robert Anderson worked for Scotland Yard in England, and he was an excellent investigator. He was also a dispensation writer.

This work explains why God “doesn’t work like we would expect him to work.” This is theodicy.

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Askwith Christian Conception of Holiness

Posted by David Cox on November 25, 2023
Posted in ASanctification-Perfection  | Tagged With:

The Christian Conception of Holiness

by Edward Harrison Askwith, M.A.


[Editor’s Notes: I have reformatted this book for ease in reading. I have moved all footnotes up into the actual text and put the footnote in brackets “[]”. I have tried to find all Greek and Hebrew words and phrases and reformatted the garbage text that the scanning process put it with Greek and Hebrew letters (but no vowel pointings). I have taken out all page breaks and replaced the page numbers and page break with “[CCH pg ##]” so that you can search on this phrase to find a specific page. There were a minor number of text scanning errors that I tried to correct, but probably didn’t find them all. None of the British spellings were corrected though. — David Cox Editor ] Read more

Another Gospel: A Survey of Cults and World Religions
By James G. Arthur

In Another Gospel, Arthur examines 30+ modern day cults in which he examines the beliefs and practices of these religious groups.

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