Nelson – Does Character Matter anymore in the Ministry?

This work is an examination of modern ethics in the ministry set against what the Bible proposes. It attacks what is wrong in many modern ministries.


Erosion of Morals in the Ministry
High-Profile Examples
Types of Scandals
Biblical Criteria
Widespread Disagreement over Requirements
What is Clear: Godly Character
Importance of Modeling Character
The Lack of Modeling/Discipleship Today
Obsessed with the Wrong Results
How Far the Church Has Fallen
First Cultural Shift: Pragmatism (19th Century+)
Second Cultural Shift: Postmodernism (20th Century*)
Third Cultural Shift: Purpose of Marriage (1960s+)
Fourth Cultural Shift: Technological Revolution (1995+)
Treasures in Jars of Clay
Example of Practical, Preventative Steps: How to Avoid Adultery
Returning to Ministry after Moral Failure?
Proper Concern for the Pastor
Determining if a Return is Possible
The Road Ahead


Nelson-Does-Character-Matter-Anymore-In-Ministry.pdf (34 downloads )