Idx: Hermeneutics (Bible Interpretation)
Hermeneutics – refers to the principles of correctly interpreting the Word of God such that we arrive at the understanding of God’s word that God wants us to have. These principles should guide us away from doctrinal error and misinterpretation. Here the key concept is exegesis (the drawing out of a text its meaning) and NOT eisegesis (reading into a text a presupposed interpretation that cannot legitimately be gotten out of that text).
- Carson, D.A. – Must I learn how to Interpret the Bible (a) 133K (6 pages)
- Frye – How to Interpret the Bible (a) 135K (8 pages)
- Gowens – How to Interpret the Bible (a) 112K (5 pages)
- Packer, JI – In Quest of Canonical Interpretation (a) 168K (16 pages)
- Arnold, Thomas (1795-1842) – Sermons chiefly on the interpretation of scripture (1845) flipbook
- Barnard, Percy Mordaunt (b1868) – The interpretation of the New Testament in modern life and thought (1906?) flipbook
- Barry, William Francis (1849-1930) – Tradition of Scripture: Its Origin, Authority and Interpretation (1906) flipbook
- Burgon, John William (1813-1888) – Inspiration and interpretation: seven sermons preached before the University of Oxford : with preliminary remarks : being an answer to a volume entitled “Essays and Reviews” (1861)
- Crothers, Samuel McChord (1857-1927) – The Understanding Heart (1903)
- Curry, S.S. – Vocal And Literary Interpretation Of The Bible (1909)
- Dungan – Hermeneutics a Textbook 815K (b) (239 pages)
- Erkel – A Guide to Basic Bible Interpretation (b) 148K (60 pages)
- Ernesti, Johann August (1701-1781) – Elements of Interpretation (1822) flipbook
- Fairbairn, Patrick (1805-1874) – Hermeneutical manual; or, Introduction to the exegetical study of the Scriptures of the New Testament (1859)
- Gilbert, George Holley – Interpretation of the Bible, a short history
- Grant, Frederick William (1834-1902) – The revelation of Christ to His servants of things that are, and things that shall be : brief notes in interpretation([8–)
- Hersman, Anne Bates – Studies in Greek allegorical interpretation: I. Sketch of allegorical interpretation before Plutarch. II. Plutarch (1906)
- Immer, Albert (1894-1884) – Hermeneutics of the New Testament (1890)
- Jordan, William George (1852-1939) – Ancient Hebrew stories and their modern interpretation (1922)
- Jowett, Benjamin (1817-1893) – Scripture and truth, dissertation; (Introduction. Essay on the interpretation of Scripture. Essay on the abstract ideas of the New Testament. Essay on the Old Testament (Romans IV). Essay on contrasts of prophecy (Romans XI). Essay on the probability that many of St. Paul’s Epistles have been lost. From the essay on the law as the strength of sin. Essay on predestination and free will. Sermon on Richard Baxter) (1907)
- Jowett, Benjamin (1817-1893) – The interpretation of Scriptures: and other essays (between 1897 and 1907?) flipbook
- Matthews, John – The influence of the Bible in improving the understanding and moral character (1864)
- Marsh, Herbert (1757-1839) – Lectures on the criticism and interpretation of the Bible, with two preliminary lectures on theological study and theological arrangement; to which are added two lectures on the history of biblical interpretation. New ed., with an index (1842) flipbook
- Pentecost, Dwight – Interpretation of Prophecy 5MB (b) (771 pages)
- Pierce, Bradford K – The Word of God Opened; Its Inspiration, Canon, and Interpretation (1868) flipbook
Pink, Arthur – Interpretation of the Scriptures (b) 171K (99 pages)
- Roy, James – How to interpret our Bible: an essay for the times (1911)
- Sawyer, Leicester Ambrose (1807-1898) – The elements of Biblical interpretation, containing a brief exposition of the fundamental principles and rules of this science (1834)
- Seisenberger, Michael (1832-1911) – Practical handbook for the study of the Bible and of Bible literature; including Biblical geography, antiquties, introduction to the Old and the new Testament, and hermeneutics (c1911)
- Smith, Bob – Basics of Bible Interpretation 1MB (b) (180 pages)
- Smith, Henry Preserved (1847-1927) – Essays in Biblical interpretation (c1921) flipbook
- Stowe, Calvin Ellis (1802-1886) – Origin and history of the books of the Bible both the canonical and the apocryphal, designed to show what the Bible is not, what it is, and how to use it (1867)
- Stuart, Moses (1780-1852) – Hints on the interpretation of prophecy (1842) flipbook
- Sweeney, Zachary Taylor – The Spirit and the Word: A Treatise on the Holy Spirit in the Light of a Rational Interpretation of the Word of Truth
- Terry, Milton Spenser (1840-1914) – Biblical hermeneutics : a treatise on the interpretation of the Old and New Testaments (c1890) flipbook
- Thorburn, Thomas James – The mythical interpretation of the Gospels: critical studies in the historic narratives (1916)
- Turner, Samuel Hulbeart (1790-1861) – Thoughts on the origin, character, and interpretation of Scriptural prophecy, in seven discourses. Delivered in the chapel of the General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, with notes (1856)
- Wordsworth, Christopher (1807-1885) – Miscellanies literary and religious (v.1, Pompeian inscriptions: Notes in Greece: Notes in France: Notes at Paris: Notes in Italy (1862): Notes at Rome: The Greek archbishop of Syros, Alexander Lycurgus: The Vatican council of 1869: Congress of the Old Catholics at Cologne.- v.2, On the inspiration of the Bible: On the interpretation of the Bible: On the revision of the authorized version of the Bible: On the revision of the new lectionary (of 1871): Table of proper Psalms and lessons put forth at the Lincoln synod: What is the true method of teaching the Bible: Uses of set forms of prayer: Uses of the English Book of common prayer: On the holy sacraments: Infant baptism, Letter on: Holy Communion: On confirmation: On confession and absolution: Pastoral letter for the better observance of Ascension day: On the observance of Rogation days: Day of intercession for missions: On special forms of prayer for special occasions: On church music: The holy year: On religious faith and worship in art: Midland counties museum of art, at Nottingham – Prayer at and hymn for: Christian art in cemeteries and cemetery chapels: On the intermediate state of the soul between death and the resurrection of the body.- v.3, Religion in science: Religious uses of classical studies: “Ethica et spiritualia”, for the use of students of the Theological school, Lincoln: English translation of the Moral and spiritual maxims: On the spread of infidelity and on the need of a learned clergy: On the destiny of Mohammedanism especially in the Turkish dominions: The decline of Mohammedanism a signal for a greater spread of the Gospel: Bishop Sanderson on human conscience and law: On ecclesiastical legislation: Ecclesiastical jurisdiction: On diocesan synods and diocesan conferences: On the sale of church patronage and on simony: On clerical non-residence: On marriage and divorce: On marriage with a deceased wife’s sister: On enforced clerical celibacy: On sisterhoods and vows: On English cathedrals: The mission at Lincoln, 1876: Pastoral to Wesleyan Methodists: On the burials question: On labour and capital: On capital punishment: On the Church of England, past, present, and future: Continuity of the Church of England – St. Hugh, bishop of Lincoln: Welcome from the Church of England to the Church of America: Letter to the Oxford university commissioners on proposed new statutes for Brasenose and Lincoln colleges (1879): Letter of the hundred bishops at the Lambeth conference, July, 1878: Letter to the Archbishop of Cyprus) (1879)
Idx: Hermeneutics (Bible Interpretation)