It is my recommendation that you theWord (a free Bible program) and download the Bibles in Greek, Hebrew, and other languages that you want, and use this excellent flexible and powerful program to study the original text. It is totally free, and most of the modules that are used with the program are free. TheWord has free Greek New Testaments, free Greek Lexicons and Grammars, etc. I have a theWord tutorial website at which has many tutorial pages on how to use theWord program to do Bible studies.

Greek New Testaments

pdf format

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Nestle – Greek New Testament (English letters, not Greek) 3.7MB
Westcott & Hort – Greek NT Testament 1.7MB (b) 1881
Westcott & Hort Greek NT Testament (1925) flipbook
Burton, Ernest De Witt, 1856-1925 – A harmony of the synoptic gospels in Greek ([1928])

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