Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the Soul

A classic Christian work that every believer should read
by Octavius Winslow

Personal Declension examines our spiritual declension or decline, in love, faith, prayer, in connection with Doctrinal error which is causing it, grieving the Holy Spirit, fruitlessness, God restoring his people, and God as the Keeper of his people.


Preface – 3
Chapter 1: Incipient Declension – 5
Chapter 2: Declension in Love – 25
Chapter 3: Declension in Faith – 40
Chapter 4: Declension in Prayer – 57
Chapter 5: Declension in Connection with Doctrinal Error
Chapter 6: On Grieving the Spirit – 82
Chapter 7: The Fruitless and the Fruitful Professor – 94
Chapter 8: The Lord, the Restorer of His People – 109
Chapter 9: The Lord, the Keeper of His People – 121

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