The Trinity

By Loraine Boettner

Boettner’s The Trinity is a short work (40pgs)  on the Trinity, God is one, God is Triune.

Chapters of Boettner’s Trinity

1. Introduction  2
2. Statement of the Doctrine 4

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I. There Is But One Living And True God 4
II. While God In His Innermost Nature Is One, He, Nevertheless, Exists As Three Persons 5
III. The Terms “Father,” “Son” And “Holy Spirit” Designate Distinct Persons Who Are Objective To Each Other9
3. Further Scripture Proof 10
4. The Trinity in the Old Testament 13

  • Plural Names And Pronouns  14
  • The Angel Of Jehovah 14
  • The Holy Spirit In The Old Testament 17
  • Jewish Misunderstanding Of The Doctrine  18

5. One Substance, Three Persons  19
6. Meaning of the Terms “Father”, “Son”, and “Spirit” 23
7. Subordination of the Son and Spirit to the Father 26
8. The Generation of the Son and the Procession of the Holy Spirit 28
9. The Trinity Presents a Mystery but not a Contradiction  30
10. Historical Aspects of the Doctrine 32
11. Practical Importance of the Doctrine 36

About the author:

Loraine Boettner (1901-1990) was a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary (Th.B., Th.M.). He was a theologian, educator, author and a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Boettner taught Bible for eight years in Pikeville College, KY. He is considered one of the great reformed theologians of the 20th century. Books by Dr. Boettner include: The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, The Millennium, Roman Catholicism, Studies in Theology, Immortality, and The Harmony of the  Gospels.

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