- Sermon: Bonar,H. – The Cross—the Expression of Man’s Unbelief
In this sermon by Bonar, he presents us with the rejection of Christ by "mankind".
- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Pardon By The Cross
In this sermon by G.Campbell Morgan, he examines the propitiation of the Cross.
- Sermon: Gaebelein – The Wondrous Cross
This is a short reflection by Gaebelein on the Cross.
- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Power by the Cross
In this sermon, Morgan examines 1Co 1:18, that the Word of the Cross is to us the power of God.
- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Promise At The Cross
In this sermon by Morgan, he examines Rom 8:12, God spared not his own son.
- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Peace By The Cross
Morgan explains Col 1:20, that we have made peace through the blood of His cross.
- Sermon: James The Attraction of the Cross
Sermon: James The Attraction of the Cross is a full length sermon on Christ being lifted up as a factor for drawing all men unto him.
- Adams – Three Gardens Sermon
The three representative gardens in Scripture: those are Eden (which represents man's Ruin), Gethsemane man's Redemption, and Paradise Restoration
- Adams – Conversations of Jesus Christ with Representative Men
Nicodemus, The Woman of Samaria, The Young Ruler, The Intelligent Scribe, Zaccheus, Centurion of Capernaum, Martha of Bethany, Mate, Mary Magdalene
- Sermon Morgan Purity by the Cross
In this sermon, Morgan explores Hebrews 9:14, the blood of Christ cleanses us from dead works.