- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Pardon By The Cross
In this sermon by G.Campbell Morgan, he examines the propitiation of the Cross.
- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Power by the Cross
In this sermon, Morgan examines 1Co 1:18, that the Word of the Cross is to us the power of God.
- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Promise At The Cross
In this sermon by Morgan, he examines Rom 8:12, God spared not his own son.
- Sermon: Morgan, G.C. – Peace By The Cross
Morgan explains Col 1:20, that we have made peace through the blood of His cross.
- Sermon: James The Attraction of the Cross
Sermon: James The Attraction of the Cross is a full length sermon on Christ being lifted up as a factor for drawing all men unto him.
- Adams – Three Gardens Sermon
The three representative gardens in Scripture: those are Eden (which represents man's Ruin), Gethsemane man's Redemption, and Paradise Restoration
- Adams – Conversations of Jesus Christ with Representative Men
Nicodemus, The Woman of Samaria, The Young Ruler, The Intelligent Scribe, Zaccheus, Centurion of Capernaum, Martha of Bethany, Mate, Mary Magdalene
- Sermon Morgan Purity by the Cross
In this sermon, Morgan explores Hebrews 9:14, the blood of Christ cleanses us from dead works.
- Maclaren, A. – Sermons by Alexander Maclaren
Sermons by Alexander Maclaren has 19 sermons by Alexander Maclaren. Some of his titles are A confession and warning, a pattern of Prayer, Absent present Christ, Anxious Care, Christ "must" Die, God's peacemakers, Grace-mercy-peace, gradual healing of the Blind man, growth, guiding pillar, hope perfectly, Jehovah Jireh, love and fear, measure of the immeasurable power, shepherd, take up the challenge, water of life, Zion's joy and God's joy.
- Sermon: Ryle, J.C. – The Cross, A Call to the Fundamentals of Religion
Ryle looks at the cross as our glorying point (Gal 6:14), 1) What Paul did not glory in, 2) what he did glory in, and 3) why all Christians should feel like Paul.