Idx: Old Testament Introduction
Old Testament Introduction deals with the particulars of each book of the Bible, its human author, situation, date, etc.
- Bleek, Friedrich (1793-1859) – An introduction to the Old Testament (1869) flipbook
- Creelman, Harlan (b1864) – An introduction to the Old Testament chronologically arranged (1917) flipbook
- Driver, Samuel Rolles (1846-1914) – An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament (1891) flipbook
- Geden, Alfred Shenington (1857-1936) – Outlines of introduction to the Hebrew Bible (1909) flipbook
- Gray, George Buchanan (1865-1922) – A Critical Introduction to Old Testament (1913) flipbook
- Green, William Henry (1825-1900) – General introduction to the Old Testament (1898-1899) flipbook
McGarvey – A Guide to Bible Study (b) 441K (85 pages).
- Painter, Franklin Verzelius Newton (1852-1931) – Introduction to Bible study: the Old Testament (c1911) flipbook
- Raven, John Howard (1870-1949) – Old Testament introduction: general and special (c1910) flipbook
- Weatherall, J.H. – Books of OT, A short Introduction (1902) flipbook
- Wilson, Robert Dick – A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament (1926) flipbook
- Wright, Charles Henry Hamilton (1836-1909) – An Introduction to the Old Testament (1891) flipbook