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Bible Resource Library

A Free Library for Bible Study. Webmaster Pastor David Cox. These Christian Reference books are for free download, pdf, and rar.


  • Younce, M. – A Biblical Examination of Hell
    This is the best and most extensive, biblical examination of the subject hell that I have seen. This is an excellent book! 13 chapters in which Pastor Younce probably presents us with some couple of thousand verses over hell and related subjects.
  • Bellett, J.G. – Answers to Objections to the Rapture
    Bellett's Answers to Objections to the Rapture is a single volume work of about 22 pages (1800 words) in which he examines verses which people who object to the Rapture use in their arguments.
  • Anderson – Human Destiny
    In Anderson's Human Destiny, he examines what happens after death.
  • Bartz Studies in Eschatology: Existence after Death
    Bartz Studies in Eschatology: Existence after Death is a 7 chapter work on the afterlife, looking at Death, immortality, the intermediate state, the resurrection of the Dead, the second coming, the millennium, the judgment, Heaven, and Hell.
  • Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment
    Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment is a short 1 Chapter work on why God's punishment on unsaved sinners must be eternal.
  • Baxter Directions for a Peaceful Death
    Baxter Directions for a Peaceful Death is a short article about how to prepare to die as we approach death as a Christian.
  • Baxter Directions for a Peaceful Death
    Baxter Directions for a Peaceful Death is a work about 20 points for those who are facing death, and how to get through it peacefully.
  • Baxter Directions for Grief at the Death of Friends
    Baxter Directions for Grief at the Death of Friends directs Christians how to not overreact nor under react at others' death.
  • Chafer, Lewis Sperry – Seven Biblical Signs of the Times

    Chafer, Lewis Sperry – Seven Biblical Signs of the Times

    Chafer, Lewis Sperry – Seven Biblical Signs of the Times

    Chafer wrote eight popular books. His first, Satan, was published in 1909. The best–known of his popular works was He That Is Spiritual (1918). Chafer’s enduring legacy is his eight–volume Systemic Theology which he began in 1937 and finished in 1948. He approached evangelical theology from the dispensationalist and premillennial viewpoint he learned from C. I. Scofield, with whom he had traveled for some years.

  • MacDonald – My Father’s House Heaven

    MacDonald – My Father’s House Heaven

    By James M MacDonald

Death Heaven Hell
  • Younce, M. – A Biblical Examination of Hell
    This is the best and most extensive, biblical examination of the subject hell that I have seen. This is an excellent book! 13 chapters in which Pastor Younce probably presents us with some couple of thousand verses over hell and related subjects.
  • Bartz Studies in Eschatology: Existence after Death
    Bartz Studies in Eschatology: Existence after Death is a 7 chapter work on the afterlife, looking at Death, immortality, the intermediate state, the resurrection of the Dead, the second coming, the millennium, the judgment, Heaven, and Hell.
  • Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment
    Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment is a short 1 Chapter work on why God's punishment on unsaved sinners must be eternal.
  • Younce, M. – A Biblical Examination of Hell
    This is the best and most extensive, biblical examination of the subject hell that I have seen. This is an excellent book! 13 chapters in which Pastor Younce probably presents us with some couple of thousand verses over hell and related subjects.
  • Bartz Studies in Eschatology: Existence after Death
    Bartz Studies in Eschatology: Existence after Death is a 7 chapter work on the afterlife, looking at Death, immortality, the intermediate state, the resurrection of the Dead, the second coming, the millennium, the judgment, Heaven, and Hell.
Intermediate State
  • Younce, M. – A Biblical Examination of Hell
    This is the best and most extensive, biblical examination of the subject hell that I have seen. This is an excellent book! 13 chapters in which Pastor Younce probably presents us with some couple of thousand verses over hell and related subjects.
  • Bartz Studies in Eschatology: Existence after Death
    Bartz Studies in Eschatology: Existence after Death is a 7 chapter work on the afterlife, looking at Death, immortality, the intermediate state, the resurrection of the Dead, the second coming, the millennium, the judgment, Heaven, and Hell.