Burroughs Gospel Worship 14 chapters (263 pages) which are each a sermon on how to properly worship God.

Newly edited, modernized & corrected by Debi Cole

“Jeremiah Burroughs, in his classic book Gospel Worship, said, “The reason why we worship God in a slight way is because we do not see God in His glory.” Modern man hears about a God who isn’t worth worshiping. Why should he worship a God who wants to do good, but can’t pull it off because man just won’t cooperate? Who then is sovereign?
Man is!” – Don Kistler

Source: monergism.com

n this classic work, Puritan Jeremiah Burroughs gives 14 sermons on the regulative principle, meticulously explaining the right manner of approaching and worshiping God.

“Jeremiah Burroughs’ Gospel Worship has greatly influenced my understanding of biblical worship. It is one of the most important books I have ever read.”
–R.C. Sproul

“This treatise on Leviticus 10:1-3 is a call to propriety and sobriety in the worship of God. It deals with the believer’s sanctification through “three great ordinances”: (1) Hearing the Word, (2) Receiving the Lord’s Supper, and (3) Prayer In a day that promotes man-made forms of worship, Gospel Worship is a call to biblical worship of the Triune God though the means that He has instituted. Burroughs shows how important worship is to God and teaches us how to “give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name” (Ps. 29:2). He makes plain that we do not need new forms of worship to be relevant, but to renew old forms of worship.”
–Joel Beeke


Sermon I – The Introduction
Sermon II – God Will be Sanctified in Those Who Draw Near to Him
Sermon III – The Importance of Preparing for worship
Sermon IV – Two Cases of Conscience
Sermon V – Sanctifying the Name of God in Holy Duties
Sermon VI – Suiting Our Duties to the God We are Worshipping
Sermon VII – Why God Will Be Sanctified in the Duties of His Worship
Sermon VIII – Sanctifying the Name of God in Hearing the Word
Sermon IX – Sanctifying the Name of God in Hearing the Word
Sermon X – Why God will Have His Name Sanctified
Sermon XI – Sanctifying the Name of God in Receiving the Sacrament
Sermon XII – What is Required in Receiving the Sacrament
Sermon XIII – Keep to the Institution of the Sacrament
Sermon XIV – Sanctifying the Name of God in Prayer

Burroughs Gospel Worship


Burroughs-Gospel-Worship.pdf (280 downloads )