David Cox Internet Ministries David Cox Internet Ministries This post is an update on how our Internet Ministries are moving along, or our reach to the world. It contains some statics for the last 30 days before September 14th, 2023. If you are interested in knowing about our outreach via our Internet websites, please visit this page. Read the article
This website is made and maintained by Pastor-Missionary David Cox. If you like what you see here, please consider a small donaton every year. When you donate, it all goes to paying for hosting and domain fees.
Welcome to the David Cox’ PDF Library! Tue 10/3/23
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doct55 Increase our Faith we define faith from the Bible, and explain how faith has to have corresponding evidence in our lives. We also explain how to increase our faith, as per the Bible. Topics> What is Faith? | Faith in what is Spiritual | Some observations about Faith | How does the process of being born of faith work? | Faith is to consistently “Believe” and “Practice” what God declares to us | The Secret of Increasing your Faith | What is after having faith? Read the Tracts: doct55 Increase our Faith.
Website Statistics
The webmaster updates this box periodically.
Days when downloads are above 5,000 for that day: January 2024 High Download Days: 1/6 5662, 1/7 6093, 1/23 5554. January High Downloads: Dagg 46,777 as of 1/28. December 2023 High Download Days: 12/11 7751, 12/12 7193. December High Downloads: Dagg 46,777, Knapp Punishment 2384, Stalker 521. November 2023 High Download Days: 11/1 5520, 11/4 7862, 11/6 6136, 11/10 6436, 11/20 9979. 11/21 6428, 11/29 5891, 11/30 5662, 5198. November High Downloads: Dagg 91,933, Stalker 548, Towns Revitalize SS 493.
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Open Borders: The Medical Angle. In this article, I will look at things from the Medical angle. The government's non-response to immigrants with diseases. Topics: What is truly galling are the extremes of our Government | Why the hypocrisy? | The Government has to Safe-Guard the Legal Population | Governments Guard their People | So why are they letting some many people into the USA unchecked? | Are Illegal Aliens also under the "Rule of Law" that Democrats Insist on Applying to Trump? Read the Article: Dcox Open Borders: The Medical Angle