North – Unholy Spirits
Occultism and the New Age Humanism
By Gary North
This is a work about the occult, demons, and New Age Humanism.
Everywhere you turn these days, talk of crystals, channeling, astral projection, mediums, psychic phenomena, pyramid power, and reincarnation abounds. The New Age rage is upon us.
Should this give us cause for alarm? Are New Age enthusiast a serious threat to Western civilization and orthodox Christianity? Or are they little more than “kooks laughingly to be dismissed? Is all the attention they’ve garnered in recent months simply a passing fad?
TABLE OF CONTENTS of North – Unholy Spirits
1. The Crisis of Western Rationalism
2. The Biblical Framework of Interpretation
3. Paranormal Science Since I960
4. The World of a Sorcerer
5. Psychics
6. Edgar Cayce: From Diagnosis to Gnosis
7. Demonic Healing
8. Magic, Envy, and Foreign Aid
9. Invaders from…?
10. Escape from Creaturehood
11. Is This the End of the World?