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Parsons – The Believer’s Victory over Satan’s Devices

The Believer’s Victory over Satan’s Devices

The Believer’s Victory over Satan’s Devices
By W.L. Parson

Pason’s Believer’s Victory over Satan’s Devices is a long work on Satan’s conflict with God and mankind. Believer’s Victory over Satan’s Devices is a work that needs to be consulted for Victory in Jesus.

CONTENTS of Believer’s Victory over Satan’s Devices

Chapter I Introductory. — The Cue stated. — It’s Application to those who do and those who do not profess Christianity……………. 11
Chapter II. Personal Existence of Satan.—Bible View presented. — Objections answered. ……. 18
Chapter III. Character of Satan……….21
Chapter IV. The Battle Field surveyed. — The Human Mind and its Principle of Action……..24
Chapter V. What must be Satan’s Methods of Working, as indicated by the Changeless Laws of our Mental and Moral Constitutions………….83
Chapter VI. Primary Importance to the Christian Life of the Bight Adjustment of the Will to the Truth, illustrated by a ” Pastor’s Sketch.”……..87
Chapter VII. Satan, the ” Author and Finisher ” of Unbelief. ……………..44
Chapter VIII. Satan, in the Height of his Power, obscuring the Essential Object of Faith, Christ Jesus the Lord; thus rendering impossible the Exercise of a living
Chapter IX. Satan’s Second Eclipse of the Object of Faith —hiding also the Deity of the Spirit, and for a Like Purpose……………..66
Chapter X. The Mischiefs Satan accomplishes by removing from before the Eye of Faith the Godhead of Christ and the Spirit……………..60
Chapter XL Satan, sowing Tares. — Pastor’s Sketch illustrating the Necessity of having the Eight Seed-Truth sown in the Heart, that a True Christian Character may grow therefrom……………64
Chapter XII. Satan, as the Father of Lies.—Principles premised. 1. His Object is to destroy the Soul. 2. Lies received are held as Truth, and thus they have all the Binding Force of Truth and all the Damaging Effect of Lies. 3. They exclude Corresponding Truths from the Mind. 4. To receive them Involves an Impeachment of the Divine Character. 6. They are anchored primarily in the SemibUUy, not in the Reason. 6. They are adapted to meet the Idiosyncrasies and Prejudices of Men. 7. Language is not required to express them. 8. When thoroughly lodged in the Mind, it is difficult, and often impossible, to remove them…….70
Chapter XIII. The Lies whereby 8atan keeps Men from becoming Christians………….74
Chapter XIV. The Lies by which Satan aims to weaken and waste the Inner Life of Christians……86
Chapter XV. The Fiery Darts of the Wicked One, illustrated by a Sketch of a Remarkable Cose. …. 101
Chapter XVI. Satan, as the ” Accuser of the Brethren.” . 108
Chapter XVII. Wherein Satan is considered as the Tempter. 118
Chapter XVIII. Wherein appears the Christian’s Deliverer. —Method of Victory shown………. 121
Chapter XIX. Satan, as transformed into an Angel of Light— Pastor’s Sketches………..132
Chapter XX. How to distinguish between Satan, bo transformed into an Angel of Light, and Christ, the True Angel and Messenger of God, whom Satan counterfeit*. 146
Chapter XXL Satanic Plots. — Pastor’s Sketch. … 169
Chapter XXH. Satan, the Enemy of Prayer and Vital Communion with God…………168
Chapter XXIII. Satan, as Philosopher, Theologian, and Logician…………….180
Chapter XXIV. The Allies of Satan……..201
Chapter XXV. Satan, the Foe of our 8anctiflcation and Growth in Grace …………..209
Section 1. Theories of the Different Schools considered, and shown to differ only in Speculative, not Essential Points…………..210
Section 2. All Attainments in the Divine Life the Result of knowing God in the Heart…….213
Section 3. This Knowledge the Exclusive Gift of the Spirit—its Positive and Assuring Nature……218
Section 4. Conditions of receiving this Life-giving Knowledge of God. — A Theological Difficulty met. . 223
Section 5. The Relations of Revealed Truth to our Growing Sancoflcation…………228
Section 6. The Relation between knowing God by the Spirit, and the Enjoyment of the Life of Holiness. . . 228
Section 7. The Natural and life-giving Effect upon the Mind of knowing, from Heaven, certain Definite Things concerning God and ourselves — concerning his
Relations to us and ours to him………229
Section 8. The Law of Progress in this Divine, Saving Knowledge with a Sketch illustrating the Spirit’s Method.—The “Higher Christian Life” explained. . 241
Section 9. What may we reasonably hope to attain in this Life, in Respect to the State, (1.) Of the Will; (2.) Of the Intellecti (3.) Of the SenwbQityi—orin the
Matter of Purpose, Knowledge, and Emotion  261
Section 10. The Relation of Faith to the Obtaining of this Saving Knowledge of God………259
Section 11. The Duty of Living in the Victorious Enjoyment of this Life-sustaining Knowledge of God. 261
Section 12. The Guilt of being without this Knowledge and its Saving Power……….264
Section 13. The General View here presented, confirmed by its Power to harmonise the apparently Conflicting Views of the Different Schools of Evangelical Christians, and to simplify certain Vexed Questions in Theology……………..267
Chapter XXVI. Satan’s Methods of Opposing the Christian’s Sanctification………….261
Chapter XXVII. Satan’s Efforts to Cripple the Ministers of the Gospel, and render their Preaching powerless. . . 294
Chapter XXVIII. The Great Fight with and Victory over Satan; with a Pastor’s Sketch of the Battle Scene. . . 302

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Parson’s Believer’s Victory over Satan’s Devices is a long work on Satan’s conflict with God and mankind.


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