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Adams – Conversations of Jesus Christ with Representative Men

Adams – Conversations of Jesus Christ with Representative Men

By William Adams D.D.

Contents of Adams – Conversations of Jesus Christ with Representative Men

I. Nicodemus: The Rationalist 7
II. The Woman of Samaria: The Obtnse Sensualist 35
III. The Young Ruler: The Moralist 63
IV. The Intelligent Scribe: Not far from the Kingdom of God 91
V.  Zaccheus: A True Convert————————–115
VI. The Centurion of Capernaum: The Modest Man of Faith. 119
VII. Martha of Bethany: The Mourner………………. 179
VIL Mate: The Vacillating Man of the World………… 205
IX. Mary Magdalene: Love Rewarded………………237
X. Peter: The Restored Penitent………………….. 265

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