Schaff – Ambrose: Selected Works and Letters
This 700 page work by Ambrose is composed of many of his works. See table of contents (which extends for 47 pages.
These are only a page or two of the entire table of contents
Title Pages……………………………………p. 1
Translator’s Preface………………………………p. 3
Prolegomena…………………………………..p. 4
Section I. Literature………………………………p. 4
Section II. Notes on Secular and Church History During the Latter Part of
the Fourth Century………………………………p. 5
Section III. Historical Summary and Chronological Tables………..p. 6
Section IV. On the Doctrine of St. Ambrose………………..p. 9
Section V. Life of St. Ambrose………………………..p. 11
Section VI. Writings of St. Ambrose…………………….p. 14
Dogmatic Treatises, Ethical Works, and Sermons……………..p. 22
On the Duties of the Clergy…………………………p. 22
Introduction………………………………….p. 22
Book I…………………………………….p. 23
Chapter I. A Bishop’s special office is to teach; St. Ambrose himself, however, has to learn in order that he may teach; or rather has to teach what he has not learnt; at any rate learning and teaching with himself must go on together……………………………p. 23
Chapter II. Manifold dangers are incurred by speaking; the remedy for which Scripture shows to consist in silence………………p. 24
Chapter III. Silence should not remain unbroken, nor should it arise
from idleness. How heart and mouth must be guarded against inordinate affections………………………………….p. 25
Chapter IV. The same care must be taken that our speech proceed not from evil passions, but from good motives; for here it is that the devil is especially on the watch to catch us…………………..p. 26
Chapter V. We must guard also against a visible enemy when he incites us by silence; by the help of which alone we can escape from those greater than ourselves, and maintain that humility which we must display towards all…………………………………p. 27
Chapter VI. In this matter we must imitate David’s silence and humility, so as not even to seem deserving of harm………………p. 28
Chapter VII. How admirably Ps. xxxix. [xxxviii.] takes the place of an introduction. Incited thereto by this psalm the saint determines to writep. 28