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idx: Christ Incarnation

Bibliography for Works on Christ’s Incarnation

Books and longer works

Athanasius (Author profile) – On the_Incarnation 264K (45 pages).
Anthony – The Genealogy of Christ Jesus (a) 171K (11 pages)
Best, Nolan Rice (1871-1930) – Beyond the Natural Order, Essays on Prayer, Miracles, and the_Incarnation flipbook (1908)
Bremmer – Incarnation (a) 121K (8 pages)
Briggs, Charles Augustus (1841-1913) – The Incarnation of the Lord flipbook (1902)
Coleridge, Henry James (1822-1893) – The Preparation of the_Incarnation flipbook (1885)
Craik, James (1806-1882) – Divine Life and New Birth, with supplement on Incarnation flipbook (1866)
CustanceThe Virgin Birth and the Incarnation
Dods, Marcus (1786-1838) – A Treatise on the Incarnation_of the Eternal Word flipbook (1842)
Drown, Edward Staples (1861-1936) – Creative Christ, Study of Incarnation in Terms of Modern Thought flipbook (1922)
Eck, Herbert Vincent Shortgrave – The_Incarnation flipbook (1912)
Giddord, Edwin Hamilton (1820-1905) – The Incarnation (Phil 2.5-11, Psa 110) flipbook (1911)
Gore, Charles (1853-1932) – Dissertations on Subjects connected with the_Incarnation flipbook (1895)
Gore, Charles (1853-1932) – The Incarnation_of the Son of God flipbook (1891)
Gore, Charles (1853-1932) – Lux Mundi, Series of Studies in Religion of_Incarnation flipbook (1890)
Crace Bible ChurchThe Incarnation and Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ part1
Humphrey, William (1839-1910) – A Digest of the Doctrine of Saint Thomas on the_Incarnation flipbook (1868)
Knowles, Archibald Campbell (1865-1951) – The Holy Christ-Child, Devotional Study on the Incarnation_of the Son of God flipbook (1905)
Liguori, Alfonso Maria de (1696-1787) – The Incarnation, Birth, and Infancy of Jesus Christ flipbook (1886)
Machen, J Gresham – The Virgin Birth 2.8MB (640 pgs) (b).
Morris, William Selwyn Hierliehy – The_Incarnation, Lectures flipbook (1914)
Neale, Rollin Heber (1808-1879) – The Incarnation flipbook (1849)
Palmer, Ken –
 Genealogy of Jesus Christ (a) 157K (15 pages).
Philpot – The Nature of the Redeemer’s Humanity
Pohle, Joseph (1852-1922) – Christology, a Dogmatic Treatise on the Incarnation flipbook (1913)
Powell, Henry Clark (1838-) Principle of the_Incarnation, reference to relation between our Lord’s Divine Omniscience and his Human Consciousnessflipbook (1896)
Orr, James (1844-1913) – Christian View of God and World as centring in the_Incarnation (Kerr Lectures 1890-1891) flipbook (1893)
Ramsay, William – Was Christ Born in Bethlehem (b) 392k (115 pages)
Raven, Charles Earle (1885-1964) – What think ye of Christ? flipbook (1916)
Remsburg, John E. – The Christ: A Critical Review and Analysis of the Evidence of His Existence
Rhys, Jocelyn – Shaken Creeds: The Virgin Birth Doctrine
Strong, Edmund Linwood (1861-) – Lectures on the Incarnation of God flipbook (1920)
Theopedia – Incarnation of the Son of God
Von Strürmer, Heaton Edward – Christ the Divine Man or Deity Veiled flipbook (1880)
Walker, William Lowe 
(1845-1930) – The Spirit and the_Incarnation in the Light of Scripture, Science, and Practical Need flipbook(1907)
Warfield – The End of the_Incarnation
Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge (1851-1921) – Gospel of the Incarnation flipbook (1893)
Weston, Frank (1871-1924) – The One Christ, an Enquiry into the Manner of the_Incarnation flipbook (1907)
White, Edward (1819-1898) – Life in Christ, Study of Scripture Doctrine on Nature of Man, Object of Divine Incarnation, and Conditions of Human Immortality flipbook (1878)
Wilberforce, Robert Isaac (1802-1857) – The Doctrine of the Incarnation_of Our Lord Jesus Christ in its relation to mankind and to the Churchflipbook (1849)
Winslow, Octavius – The Sympathy of Christ (b) 516K (194 pages)

Good Web pages –  The position to be taken in this paper lies between the two extremes. I do not believe that human reason can show that the virgin birth was a logical necessity. But I do believe that it can be shown to be reasonable, to cohere with the rest of the Christian faith and to be fitting and plausible in the context of our total picture of Christ. – Quotes from the early church fathers: The Word, Virgin Birth, and Incarnation. This is from John Ankerberg’s website, with the title, Why  is the Virgin Birth Virtually the Most Important Teaching in the World and the Most Neglected. – This is a summary of the doctrine.

Bob Deffinbaugh – The Importance of the Incarnation.

Allen Ross – The Birth of Jesus Mat 1:18-25 –  This is a chapter out of a theology book in which it surveys the doctrine.

Louis Rushmore – Come meet Jesus as the Incarnate God

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