Higher Criticism is a tendency within liberals and others that interpret the Word of God towards human rational explanations instead of accepting the miraculous obvious presentation of Scripture. This tendency also extends to attacking the proposed biblical authors of Scripture, typically moving prophecies to dates after their prophecy making them history presented as prophecy, and other such maneuvers to remove the miraculous or offensive (to their way of thinking) in the Bible so that their version of Christianity is less offensive. Idx: Higher Criticism
Higher Criticism
General overview: theopedia.com, Wikipedia.org NewWorldEncyclopedia.org encyclopedia.com
- Bacon, Benjamin W – The Making of the New Testament (1912) flipbook
- M’Clymont, James Alexander (b1848) – New Testament criticism; its history and results (1913) flipbook
- Wade, G.W. – The Documents of the New Testament (1934) flipbook
- GotQuestions.org – What are redaction criticism and higher criticism?
- Criswell Theological Review – Some results and reversals of the Higher Criticism of the Old Testament (Larry L Walker)
- Edward Zinke – Historical Criticism
- Roger E. Olson – The Absurdity of “Higher Criticism” of the Gospels…
- Ernest Cadman Colwell (JSTOR) – Biblical Criticism: Lower and Higher (book)
- Objections to the Doctrine of Inspiration See my copy here
- Gary North – The Hoax of Higher Criticism (book)
- Mark Elliott – The Fundamentals: Higher Criticism and Archaeology
- John Weldon (John Ankerberg site) – Has Higher Criticism Proved we cannot trust the Bible?
- Wayne Jackson – Destructive Criticism and the Old Testament
The Bible is Trustworthy
- Startingpoint – Can we Trust the Bible? (8 chapters)
- DeHaan (Our Daily Bread) – Can I Really Trust the Bible?
- Mark Copeland (Church of Christ) – Can We Trust the Bible?
- John R. W. Stott – You Can Trust the Bible
- Moody Sermons – Seven Reasons why you Can Trust the Bible
- Ark – Is the Bible True?
- Robert Velarde – How do we Know the Bible is True?
- Stephen J. Nichols – Why We Trust the Bible
- Colin Smith – The Number One Reason to Trust the Bible
- J. Vernon McGee – The Word of God: Why I Trust the Bible
- John MacArthur – You can trust the Bible
- Carm.org – If the Bible is written by sinful people, how can we trust it?
- Wayne McKellips – 38 Reasons you can trust the Bible
- DefendChristians.org – Why you can absolutely Trust the Bible
- Grace Communion International – Ancien Words… But ever True? Can we still Trust the Bible?
- RaptureReady.com – The Bible: Can we Trust it?
- Harold W. Attridge – Can we Trust the Bible?
- Darrel Bock (DTS) – How Did We Get the Bible and Can We Trust it?
- Richard J Krejcir – Three Reasons to Trust the Bible
- Denison Forum – Why Trust the Bible?
- Genesis Apologetics – How do we know we can trust the Bible?
- Charlie H. Campbell – Can we Trust the Bible?
- ADDITIONAL ARTICLES:“Are There Contradictions in the Gospels?” by Charlie Campbell
“Extrabiblical Historical Sources Corroborate the Bible” by Charlie Campbell
“Has the Text of the Bible Been Accurately Preserved?” (or in Spanish) by Charlie Campbell
“When Was the New Testament Completed?” by Charlie Campbell
“Archaeological Evidence for the Bible” by various authors
“The Inerrancy of the Bible” by Dr. Norman Geisler
Solutions to Almost Every Conceivable Bible “Error” From Genesis to Revelation by Norman Geisler & Thomas Howe (also available in book form here).
17 Errors Critics Make When Interpreting the Bible by Dr. Norman Geisler
101 ‘Cleared Up’ Contradictions in the Bible by Jay Smith, et. al
“Was the Bible Dictated by God to Humanity?” (Mechanical Dictation) by Don Stewart
Review of Peter Enns’s book The Bible Tells Me So by Michael Kruger
A Response to NEWSWEEK’S 2014 Attack on the Bible by Michael Kruger
“Inspiration” Was the Bible inspired by God and if so, to what extent? by J. C. Ryle
“Commonly Misunderstood Verses in Genesis” by Ron Rhodes
“Was the New Testament Influenced by Pagan Religions?” by Ronald Nash
“The Canonicity of the Bible” (How was the Bible Put Together?) by Dr. Norman Geisler
“The Formation of the New Testament Canon” by Stephen Voorwinde
“Archaeology and the Bible: How archaeological findings have enhanced the credibility of the Bible”by John McRay
“Scientific Facts Found in the Bible” by Jim Tetlow
“Does the Bible Foresee Scientific Discoveries?” by Don Stewart
“Science and Scripture” by John MacArthur
Articles on “Bible Difficulties (Apparent Errors, Contradictions, etc)” - Jonathan Sarfati – Should we trust the Bible?
- Chuck Colson – Can we really trust the Bible?
- Andy Bannister – Can we trust the Bible?
- Norton Herbst – Can I Trust the Bible?
- Stand to Reason – Can we Trust the Bible?
- R.C. Sproul – “Can we trust the Bible?” The Bible is Full of Myths and Contradictions. It’s just a Fairy Tale.
- Mark Copeland (Church of Christ)- Can we Trust the Bible?
- Eugene Lawton (Church of Christ) – Can we Trust the Bible?
- John Piper – Why I Trust the Scriptures (Bethlehem Baptist Church Elder Affirmation of Faith)
Idx: Higher Criticism